Looking within… Oi veh.

This morning the word repent took on a slightly different tone then its typical groan. If it is true that our God is the God of all hearts, then to repent should be more than just a half-spin around but rather a halt to our momentum, becoming still, and look bravely within.  A needful gaze within our own heart to face the demons ruling our darkness of our casual parade through sin.

Sadly, I believe, true repentance, cannot be done alone since it’s the joyful work of God. This process will reveal why we truly ‘fear’ God. Despite God’s capacity for wrath, it is not why I fear Him. Ultimately it is the vastness of His willing forgiveness that leaves my jaw slag. ‘Worse’, it is His remarkable invitation through Jesus, this God-man, who prefers to not bridge safely over our miserable consequence, but plows through it, holding (sometimes dragging) me through why and how mercy is given to those who need it most.

As I finish some of my long walks down memory lane with my Brother and begin another, these following words spilled out in prayer.



Walk With Me

Jesus take my hand,
and walk with me awhile,
help me face myself,
and purge this darkness,
that holiness reviles.

Unless held by you,
I can’t stand to face,
this sadness alone,
Mocked by sneers of sin,
that fills my heart with stones.

My legs grow heavy,
still you hold me high,
Now feels so surreal,
Smiling in my repent,
Gazing deep into my eyes,

Breathing into me,
I plunge my depths within,
Seeing woes through this mercy,
This Alpha helps love begin,
This Omega crushes all my sin.

Fear not!
Be of Good Cheer!

Of all things you say!
while loathsome regret,
enjoys its final maul.
You wipe my loneliest tear,
Convincing me,
Love has conquered all.

by Chris Clody 2/11/2016


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