About my passion

Maybe I woke up a little too late to appreciate God – but I’m so glad I did.  Although this new path led me to a deeper gratitude with the divinity of Christ, I must admit to moments when my need for redemption was as clear as the inner voice that once whispered began to scream.  In a real and beautiful way I am different in how wonderfully simple I now see life.  Learning to trust in what is not tangible is difficult, yet necessary since the One who offers true, incorruptible life no longer awaits my decision.  This heart has been claimed by the one who made it and I couldn’t be more grateful.  It is this very gratitude that inspires me to further choose and invest my breath of encouragement for as long as I am able.

In Christ we rise.


35 thoughts on “About my passion

  1. Casting His nets, he called and “Drop your nets, come and follow Me, and I will make you Fishers of Men”. Keep fishing Brother, keep fishing………….Tim

    • Beautiful thought Tim… I’m getting used to this “fishing thing.” However, the only difference in fishing for sport and souls is this restless, sense of urgency – which will not finally rest until I rest with God. Paz, C

  2. Keep pushing, keep writing, living and above all keep thinking. The power of a free-thinking mind is what will help with living in the Information Age. Simple, though not easy, to continually develop a renewed mind.

  3. Thanks for sharing your “conversion-feelings” with us.
    Lets all stay in Christ alone! In Him is truth, purpose, goal, life, security and trust.

  4. Chris I am speechless–well almost because I have to write these words. You are very intelligent and write with so much passion. I truly enjoyed reading your masterpieces because that is what your lyrics are to me. Your words really spoke to my heart and I just wish to thank you for giving me a reason to keep pressing on and never give up. Thank you

    • Is it a beautiful freedom to become transparent in a faith in which love knows no bounds? Truly it is love from indestructible life that draws us to communion with God, and it is that same love that leads our hearts outward into community. Thank you for your kind words! You are our gift from God Ria. You are His song. Sing!

  5. hi. i remember you once asked me about pictures from The Garden of Eden i think? well check out my newest post for one i found and click on the picture. it will take you to the artist’s page…

  6. I absolutely love the way you’ve crafted your “about” page. It is just dripping with your love for Christ; and for that I am truly glad. I will be following you to see what the Lord is doing through you. If you have time, please check out my Christian blog as well.
    May God richly bless your ministry,


    • Thanks for the affirmation and generous words. Truly, God is good. Thank you also for your invitation as am now happily following your blog. His Peace,

  7. It’s never too late! You did it at the right time, his time. Thank you for the follow! Please be aware that my blog is a bilingual one. So you may get links to some poems in English as well as to some in Italian…I’m trying to keep the posting balanced between the two languages.
    Wishing you the best on your walk and writing,

  8. Hi Chris

    Thanks for the follow! How have you been and how’s your blog doing?
    I don’t know if you know that I moved my blog to a self-hosted platform. This has prevented me from connecting with WordPress bloggers like I used to. I would still like to remain in contact with your blog. Do you have an RSS feed I can subscribe to?
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    Also, I created a blogger tips group to connect with all my long last WordPress blogger friends, and to help all of us to learn from each other. I would love for you to share your knowledge in the group and connect with other bloggers. Here’s the link:
    Blogger Tips Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1601156120192716/)

    Finally, here’s a blog I thought you may find interesting:
    The Ripple Effect of Blogging

    Best regards,
    Founder of Healthy Living

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