Right side of History

What is the right side of history?
This is the bait to the fallen heart.
Faith begs our heart to kneel in humility, while the sparkling bait of oppressive ideologies, glittering half-truthes, yearning towards a needful rush towards progressiveness without a solution in mind.
There are two solutions,
One of faith in God’s love, mercy and justice,
The other fallen, distracted, and divisive.
God also casts its bait. A bait less attractive to the primitive needs of rebellion. For it is neither the right, left, or even the lukewarm middle that solve the human condition. Only the humble heart that realizes its powerlessness, can actually discern which bait is being pulled towards false or true human evolvement.

By Chris Clody

2 thoughts on “Right side of History

  1. Hey Chris,

    My debate against and EASTERN ORTHODOX priest from February had to be rescheduled until today. It is going to be a live debate at 8 PM EST. If you have a chance check it out:

    In His service, Steve.

    Sent from my iPhone


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